An authentic Italian pizza should be baked in a wood-fired pizza oven, but unfortunately, that’s not something we all have. So, are there any alternatives? Yes, there is indeed!  

The crispy crust you find in pizza restaurants can be replicated at home, in your very own kitchen! All you need is a baking steel! But is a baking steel truly worth it? We reveal all, just keep on reading… 

What is a Baking Steel?  

Baking Steels, also commonly known as Pizza Steels, are made of a solid slab steel specifically designed to bake pizza on. However, they’re not limited to just pizza baking, but you can also use your baking steel for bread, frying meat, and even making ice cream on it! 

Pizza is traditionally cooked quickly in a hot oven. Because the steel retains and conducts heat well, you can achieve a similar result in a regular home oven. A Baking steel will make crispy, leopard pizza in only 4-8 minutes.  

Baking Steel vs Stone 

In our opinion, yes! Pizza steels (also known as baking steels) are made purely from, you guessed it, steel! Pizza stones (sometimes called baking stones) are made of clay, ceramic, or cordierite. Because they’re made from different materials, the most significant difference between pizza steels and stones are the way they conduct heat. 

Compared to Pizza Stones, our range of Pizza Baking Steel products will have you getting the stone-baked effect in a shorter time and at a lower cost.  

Cooking your Pizza whether in your Pizza Oven or domestic oven is enhanced with a Pizza Steel, transferring, and retaining heat more efficiently than a Pizza Stone. 

I mean, would you like to get the benefit of a Pizza Stone without having to leave your cooker on full heat for AGES before you can use it? A Baking Steel can cook a pizza up to 30 percent faster than a baking stone, and the faster a pizza cooks, the crispier its crust will be, while its interior crumb stays moist and tender, not dried-out or tough. It’s plain to see that Baking Steels are a wise investment. 

How Do Baking Steels Work? 

If you wanted to know the science behind the Simply Metal baking steels, then you are in the right place! You may think baking pizza is simple but there is some real science behind that perfect crust. 

Baking steels have great thermal conductivity which is a fancy way of saying that heat moves from the surface to the pizza VERY quickly. Steel creates an environment hotter than it which is exactly what you need to create that perfect pizza crust. 

One reason our baking steels are so efficient at baking pizzas is due to their material…steel. Steel isn’t just a great conductor of heat, but it also RETAINS heat well. Scientifically this means it has a “high thermal mass” but don’t worry, you don’t need to be a science whiz to understand this. 

When you use a baking steel, it is amazing at retaining heat even if the temperature around it is inconsistent such as opening the oven door to cook multiple pizzas one after the other. If you struggle with losing heat from your oven, then this could solve your problems! 

Another great benefit due to their material is their durability. They are extremely durable and has no chance of suffering heat shock (this is when you splash cold water on a hot surface, and it cracks). 

How to Use a Baking Steel for Pizza 

  1. Place the Pizza Steel in the Oven. The first thing you want to do is to place your pizza steel in the oven, on the top rack.  
  1. Preheat the Pizza Steel. The next step is to turn on the oven and preheat the pizza steel for at least 45 minutes to 1 hour. The more time you can give, the more heat the steel can store! 
  1. Get the Pizza Ready. Now it’s time to get your pizza ready. At this stage, it’s super important for you to NOT overtop your pizza! You want it to be thin and make sure it doesn’t have too much sauce, cheese, or topping, so it can bake faster. More moisture from sauce and toppings will increase the baking time because more water needs to evaporate before the crust can start to crisp up. 
  1. Transfer your Pizza into the Oven. The next step is to move the pizza from the working surface, at which you prepared it, into the oven. The best way to do this is using a pizza peel.  

When your pizza is ready, drizzle a little bit of semolina or flour on the peel before you slide the pizza onto it. This will make sure the pizza doesn’t stick to the peel. 

  1. Bake the Pizza. Depending on the temperature of your oven and how thick your pizza steel is, the pizza should be done in 4-8 minutes. Bon Appetit! 

Cleaning a Baking Steel 

Minimal maintenance is needed to keep a baking steel in top shape. When you’re done making your pizza, you need to give it a good clean. Because of the high temperature, excess flour, melted cheese, and sauce tend to burn to the steel. The same goes for when you’ve finished baking bread, frying meat, etc.  

Top Tip: Be extremely careful not to touch the baking steel when it’s hot!   

Trust us when we say this, do not wash the steel! It is to be treated like cast iron cookware, so no soap and water is needed. ‘Simply’ scrape off any food residue and wipe with a dry cloth. If you do use any water, do not allow it to air cool.  

We also highly recommend after drying, wiping down the steel with oil and storing it in a non-humid environment to prevent rust.  

Seasoning a Baking Steel 

Just like a cast-iron skillet, your baking steel should be seasoned before use. The reason you want to do that is to protect the steel from rusting and to make it more stick resistant. Seasoning the baking steel will also make it easier to clean after use. 

If you’re cooking a pizza, apply a thin even coat of vegetable, rapeseed, or olive oil. Make sure the pizza baking steel is clean, then wipe it with a little bit of oil. Wipe the oil off with a paper towel, and just leave a light, thin layer of oil on your steel. Heat on max in the oven for 90 minutes. You may get some small amount of smoke, but this is completely normal. 

Place the steel in a cold oven, and let it heat up slowly. When the time is up, turn off the oven, and let the steel cool down in the oven. This process isn’t essential but will improve the surface finish of your steel. 

Over time the baking steel will slowly get darker but don’t worry, this is natural. The seasoning will also make it darker, and you will eventually end up with a dark, grey, or close to black colour. 

So, Is a Baking Steel Worth It? 

We think it’s up to you to decide, but we think we have put up a convincing argument in favour of Baking Steels!

If you are on the fence about it, there’s only one way to find out. There is no better way to decide then to test it out yourself! When you first use your Baking Steel it can take some getting used to but trust us, it will provide the best results! Read our Baking Steel reviews below from one of our amazing customers if you don’t believe us! 

“My new favourite bit of kit! Highly recommend. Never going back to a baking stone again.” 

“Been using this a few weeks now and its taken my pizza’s to a whole new level. My kids will never want a dominos again!” 

Our Baking Steels UK 

Boost your baking experience with our heavy-duty, high heat conducting Baking Steel. Made in the UK and shipped next day, our Baking Steels are incredibly durable, ready to use right out of the box, and heavy-duty enough to last a lifetime. 

Our Baking Steels are also available in a few sizes, from small square to an extra-large rectangular baking steel. Just be sure to choose a steel that is small enough that air can circulate all the way around it in your oven for the best results. 

If you are looking to achieve restaurant-quality pizza and you’re ready to purchase your first baking steel but need some more information, then check out ourFAQ page which will tell you everything you need to know about our baking steels like how to USE it!